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What is the rooted experience?

Rooted is a simple, yet profound means to take you from where you are to where God is calling you to be. Rooted isn’t simply a bible study or a book. It is a community experience, where you will practice 7 rhythms essential to a healthy relationship with Jesus.


Individuals establish firm roots in the Truth of God’s Word through personal study and then come together to discuss what they’re learning in a space where they are safe and known. Over 10 sessions, you will discuss topics covering every aspect of your spiritual journey.


What makes Rooted unique is that you can go through it several times and get something new each time. What you pour into it is what you will get out of it. Whether you're a seeker and curious, new to faith and hungry for more, or you've been at this for years, there is something for everyone.

Rooted at New Beginnings:

We like to think of Rooted as the front door of community here at New Beginnings. This 10-week experience is designed to help connect you to God, the church, and your purpose. Together, in a group of 10-15 people from all walks of life, you’ll explore the Bible, engage in prayer and serve experiences, share stories, and practice rhythms essential to a healthy spiritual life.


These spiritual rhythms aren’t new, or something the church recently created, every one of them is found in Acts 2 where the early church began. We will provide you with a facilitator who is trained to come alongside your group to help you get the most out of the experience. At the end, it is always our desire that groups to continue meeting as a new Life Group.

What does the end goal look like?
  • What topics does Rooted Cover?
    Week 1 – Meet your group and get introduced to Rooted’s structure. Week 2 – Who Is God? Week 3 – How Does God Speak To Us? Week 4 – Where Is God In The Midst of Suffering? Week 5 – There Is An Enemy? Week 6 – How Can I Make The Most Of My Life? (Part 1) Week 7 -How Can I Make The Most Of My Life? (Part 2) Week 8 – How Does God View Money? Week 9 – Why And How Should I Tell Others? Week 10 – Why Is The Church Important?
  • Does Rooted cost?
    Yes. Rooted costs $15 per participant to cover the cost of materials.
  • Is childcare available?
    Yes. Rooted groups meet at New Beginnings and we provide childcare for children 5th grade and under with registration.
  • What is the commitment?
    Rooted is a significant commitment. We want to be up front about that. But anything worth doing requires a certain amount of sacrifice. In order to get the most out of the experience, we ask all participants to attend all 10 sessions and participate in group discussions. If you cannot be there, group dynamics are affected. If you know you will miss more that two meetings, we will ask that you attend a different session of Rooted.
  • Where will my group meet?
    Rooted is typically held here at the church. Your group leader will inform you specifically where your group will meet in the building.
  • How will my group be chosen?
    Our Rooted team will prayerfully place participants into groups of no more than 15 people. We group by age, marital status, and life stage. We form groups of married couples, singles, women, men, and young adults. These groups ultimately depend upon the demographic of those who registered. A substantial amount of prayer and thoughtfulness goes into creating groups which we think will provide the best experience for all people who attend. While we do our best to honor requests when possible, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to accommodate all friend or leader request.
  • What if registration is closed?
    If registration is closed, you can email Pastor Scott Bons at to see if there is still time to sign up. If not, please check back for the next Rooted session. It is our desire to offer Rooted multiple times a year.
  • Are scholarships available?
    Yes. We believe that Rooted is a life-changing experience and we want everyone to participate! We understand that the Rooted registration fee may be a burden for some and we are happy to provide scholarships. Please email Pastor Scott at with your request.
  • When will I get my book?
    Books will be distributed during your first week of Rooted. Details will be sent after registration.
  • Do I have to participate?
    Yes. Rooted is unlike other studies and groups. A part of the experience is learning from one another. Each participant has something to offer the group in the learning process. Because of this, it is required that each participant engage fully and in every way. We understand that, for some, this can be a difficult task. The Rooted experience is designed in a way that everything shared is kept within the confines of the group. It is a safe space to share and be seen without fear of ridicule or disrespect. Our hope for every group is that every person is able to speak, not only freely, but fully.
  • Can I lead a Rooted group?
    Rooted Facilitators get a front row seat to something remarkable – God transforming lives. Rooted leaders must have graduated from Rooted and agree to our leadership commitment and volunteer agreement. To find out more about leading Rooted groups, email Pastor Scott at or by calling the office at 217-875-0696 x115.
  • How is Rooted different from other Bible studies?
    Rooted is not a class. It is not just another Bible study. It’s not even a typical discipleship program. This material originally came from Africa, where it had a transformational effect. The title was “Mizizi” – Swahili for “Roots”. It was developed by, Pastor Muriithi Wanjau of Mavuno Church in Nairobi, Kenya. It is unlike most programs or studies as it is an experience and the beginning of a journey. It will involve five days of short homework preparation each week which include writing prayers to God, journaling, listening, and challenging one another to grow in new ways. If you’re willing to invest in this completely, your perspectives may be completely transformed.
  • Is there an age limit for Rooted?
    Yes. Rooted is an adult only curriculum (18 years+). However, there is a Youth curriculum called Rooted Essentials. If you’re interested in Rooted for High School students, contact Youth Director, Zach Smith by email at or phone at 217-875-0696 x102.
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